About Me


Self-taught stencil artist. Born in Trondheim and spent my first years there, but 10 years old I moved to Øvre Årdal in the heart of the Sognefjord. For the last 15 years I have lived in Bergen, but at the end of 2021 i moved back to Øvre Årdal with my family. In Årdal i have created my own studio were i do my art work. I have no relevant education in the art subject. As an offshore worker, I have had a lot of free time and some years ago i gradually started to try my hand at stencil art / street art. It was not until 2020 that I started selling my art works.


I have for a long time been fascinated by street art and stencil art, where DOLK and Banksy are the most important sources of inspiration. I have done a few works on the street in Bergen, but mainly I work with canvas and paper. Some of my pictures have many stencil layers and many colors, but I also like to do simpler motifs in black and white.
My motives may have messages that are marked by matters of the heart, today’s news picture or political climate. Other times, they are created on the basis of an aesthetic idea. It can be a color i think is nice or something else that triggers creativity. The message is then created along the way, and I like that you who see my pictures interpret and give it meaning with new eyes.
In addition to my web page, my art can also be found at Frame IT  and Gategalleriet both are located in Bergen/Norway